What kind of impression did you get from Hiroshima City? What experiences did you have during the mobile life?
I had been to Japan before, but I had never been to Hiroshima, and I loved it because it had so many meaningful and wonderful places, such as Miyajima, the Atomic Bomb Dome, and Shukkeien Garden. Personally, I think the bustling but calm atmosphere of Hiroshima suited me very well, rather than the incredibly crowded big cities. As someone who loves to travel, I also loved that there were so many beautiful small towns around Hiroshima. I loved watching the sky from my dormitory at sunset when the weather was clear, and I will never forget the streets and landscapes of Hiroshima.
● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
What did you study in Hiroshima City University? How did you like about the lectures at HCU?
I took a class in the International Studies department and a biology class in the Information Sciences department. In the seminar-style lectures, there was a lot of content that broadened my horizons, and it was great to have discussions with not only Japanese but also other foreigners. In the biology lectures, I was the only international student, which was difficult at first because it was in Japanese, but I soon got used to it and was able to study deeper biology concepts that I already knew. The lectures at the city university gave me a different experience and they were all good.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
Give your comments or advises for future exchange students.
I came to Hiroshima as an exchange student in the last semester of my fourth year in Korea. I had no dreams and nothing in particular that I wanted to do in the future, and at the beginning of my exchange I had a lot of anxiety about whether I should be here now. But looking back now, I think that this exchange experience is the one thing I will never regret in my life. If you get out of your comfort zone and experience new things, it will really broaden your perspective on the world. Of course, I was able to find what I wanted to do and broaden my horizons by living in Japan. I encourage you to get involved in international exchange programs at your school, even if it’s not an exchange program! Meet different people from other countries, build your confidence, and broaden your perspective on the world.